Today, Shoreline Community College published an article on me and my music. But what I realized today is that I’ve never had an interviewer ask me about the music. Clarifying questions maybe, but never about the music itself. I create music. Everything else is secondary.
It’s a task in and of itself to stay Brand New. The devil and G.d are raging inside me. On one hand, I absolutely love the artistry of it all. I love the art. If I could, I’d read all day and write. Record when I caught a good vibe, and release it if I felt like it. On the other hand, I stepped in my father’s size 12s at age 12. It’s been a process of guess-and-check, bell-curve learning, mistakes, successes, wins, and losses since then. I’ve had to be about my business since then. And yes, it absolutely jeopardizes the integrity of the music. Once it becomes something you rate on a scale of 1-10, something you have to sell, something they have to buy, it changes the essence of it a bit. I create music. That’s it.
SAMO as an end to playing art.