Our first instinct is to always trust appearances. I’ve heard the phrase “Hip Hop is Dead” many times over the last year or so. I do not believe hip hop is dead, or even dying. I think it has more to do with false sincerity. We as artist are afraid of being sincere, of being ourselves for fear of rejection. This fear of rejection motivates statements like “I’m the King of _____” or “Human Crack” ect. The focus lies less on the integrity of the music and artistry involved in creating it, and more on portraying a marketable image. This is no different than any other art form that becomes massively popular, and extremely lucrative. Money has generally changed what its come in contact with - from movies to theater, to Jazz, and rock - and now Hip Hop. Trying to recreate an era that has already passed is almost as stifling though. Rap was hot in the 90s. I loved it too. But its 2007. And honestly, I don’t want to go back. As much as I loved that era of urban black music, I’m ready to move on. I’m ready for the next innovation in music. With that said, we should move away from saying that Hip Hop is dead, and closer towards saying “Hip Hop is waiting.” Hip Hop is a living, breathing thing only because we make it so. We are the blood in its veins, and thereby, it’s life line. To say hip hop is dead is to day that we are dead. And I am not ready to die. Not now.
I’m not sure what box to place my music in. I’m not sure if I want to put it in a box yet though. I like the freedom of being able to say what I want. I don’t answer to anyone musically. Not the block, the backpackers, the institution, the parent label, the Man, ect. I make honest music. And as listeners, you honestly love it or hate it, but the underlying message remains the same. My next tasks are to record my “I Create Music” mixtape, and then “Redemption.” The “I Create Music” project is going to be that, music. A break for the norm. Experimentation at its best (or worse). “Redemption” is going to be the next full-length project release under Shears Music Group. Those of you who know me know that I’ve been through some pretty serious shit in the last year. I haven’t been able to respond. Until now. Thank you for vibing with me.
SAMO as an end to to mindwash religion, nowhere politics and bogus philosophy.