Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Genius Child...

Once upon a time there was a child dancing in the middle of an ocean of his mother's tears... to the beat of his own heartbeat.

He wanted to live forever.

Read this poem at my funeral.

Genius Child
This is a song for the genius child.
Sing it softly, for the song is wild.
Sing it softly as ever you can - Lest the song get out of hand.
Nobody loves a genius child.
Can you love an eagle, Tame or wild? Can you love an eagle, Wild or tame? Can you love a monster Of frightening name?
Nobody loves a genius child.
Kill him - and let his soul run wild.

- Langston Hughes

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Very Lonely Places...

Words informed by travel and travail.

Pictures of Pain - Series 1

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

If I...

If I could have one Thanksgiving wish it would be for everyone to go to sleep tomorrow with a full stomach.

Pictures of Pain - Series 1

Shine Thru...

Attempting to write these words that make you want to come closer... That make you want to shine thru...

Thursday, October 28, 2010

You Are My Own...

My first pain was a white man's hand across my ass. My second was a black man who let me down... My third was a white teacher who taught me "class"...

ACS. Do you remember? All if it? Not just the end. Every act of creation is first an act of destruction... An ugly beauty. Observation and possession.

Weeping women are my favorite. Thank you Mother.

Though Pain... You are my own.

I'm convinced.... Common sense will not accomplish great things... So my search continues.

On the verge of influential... and tears.

But not for that April 12, I might have wasted my life. No longer afflicted with a sense of wandering, EYE EMERGE.

I fancy it a kind of symbolic death.

This message is bloody. And FOREVER.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Flowers Are So Contradictory!

Student of pain.

Sun of man.

Hope of many.

Notebook in hand.

Pen in He-Art.

I grew up.

And grew in.

To protect the childhood I never had.

In order to live forever.

Dancing in the middle of the ocean to my own heart-beat.

I love lonely. And she loves me back (most of the time).

I can feel you smiling.

She was born the same time as the sun.

She perfumes my planet.

And lights up my life.

Thank you

Saturday, October 9, 2010

If Sorrow Was Snow...

It's cold tonight... I don't feel any pressure but there's an upward motion of air carrying voices of doubt. It's snowing here. But rather than shovel it - tonight we make snow angels. If sorrow were snow then my MOMENTARY LAPSE OF REASON would be colored PINK and covered and beautified by it's blanket. Tonight's dinner is a three course meal prepared by Alexander Faulkner Shand, including: fear, anger, and joy.

I cling to repair.
Are those snowflakes or tears?

Pity taste like April 12th (which is one part sorrow, one part joy).


I hope my heart finds it's way home tonight.

I hope.

Love me.

“Sunshine cannot bleach the snow, Nor time unmake what poets know”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, October 1, 2010

After the rain - John Coltrane

Current Soundtrack - John Coltrane's "After the Rain"

The Night Has a Thousand Eyes...

I realized that what I love does not belong to me...

And I still love it!

I live in a time capsule.

Defending my curse.

I write to right.

The poem and the poet.

My journal is a battlefield of moral conflict.

But I don't expect to be justified. Ever.

My pain unspeaks an uneasy resolution.

Words articulating emotions articulating words articulating emotions.

My hope comes to me in softly hued vibrations

That sound like a broken heart beating in 4/4 time

With Lauryn Hill rhyming over it and Lena Horne singing the hook.

The car empties on my John Col-Train of thought...

It's been a long road traveled...

Many Miles to reach my MONK period.

So I live alone. Laughing in solitary.

The irony is...

It's only after taking GIANT STEPS forward that we realize how small the shoes we walk in are...

if The Night Has a Thousand Eyes, than EYE pray you SEE that...

You must find yourself.

That is part of it.

Burying who you were to discover who you could be.

Body and Soul.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thank you for your thoughts...

Hello World,

Please enjoy this piece of writing. I just stumbled across it. I hope it touches you the way it has touched me.

Thank you KH. Our lack of communication pains me. But I know everything is... JUST FOR A TIME. Thank you for everything.

Dear Beautiful Self,

A woman in her life has only one goal she needs to accomplish before her time is up-- to prothect her truth from being broken (not even once). My experience has shown me that people wait around every corner to break us down, whether it be through hate, lies, violence, or invalidation. They want nothing more than to see us break down and fall under their misconceptions, false expectations, and maniacally oppressive stereotypes. The oppressor jeopardizes our beauty by creating and demanding an unrealistic reality. But he will never jeopardize our dignity-- we will be called bitches and hoes and still stand tall with our faces tilted towards the sky. There is a place in us that he can't touch, a wisdom, a beauty... our TRUTH.A woman needs to love and forgive at the same moment, to nurture and defend with the same hands, love unconditionally and conditionally forget, balance sanity and insanity with the same mind, appeal and appease with the same words.The entire spectrum of truth fits into one work of art-- the woman.

Peace Anthony.
By k huds on A Man In His Life... on 11/27/07

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Little Susie...

Don't let them kill the little girl in you.
The one that sings that heavenly tune.
You left home.
You lost your way to find yourself.
And it helped.

For Better or for worse...

Last night, I let my tears fall where the sacristy once stood...


Thru a ruined gate.

A mysterious energy.

Finding happiness in loneliness.

A raven's feather.

Urging me in the direction of the SON.


My mind's horizon tinged with red...

Living out some part of an inner dream everyday.

I searched for years and never found G.d in a church of any sort.

"It's the possibility of having a dream come true That makes life worth living."

And even if it doesn't... I perceived you. For a time.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dinner is Served...

Why is it so important to dream?

“Because SUN... you’re future’s much brighter than your past!”

Tonight’s for thinking. A single lamp. A glass table. A pen. A pad. And the faint sound of the rain hitting the window. Things are so poetic though. I have a burning sensation to say things that might alienate me from my peers. There is a tyrant living inside me. We are aware of each other’s existence now. We’ve worked out some of our differences and respect each other more now. But there are times when I hear him yelling, “Fuck everybody,” and agree completely.

“There are birds who prefer not to fly” I hear her saying...

And so I stand. Skipping stones on a lake of my mother’s tears... feeling bad for being born.

Trying to figure out how to relate to the world over these beats...

And sometimes friends can be a sign of wreckage. So I bid mine farewell and hope to fair well.

I have made a great discovery. What I love belongs to me. I have to carry the burden of this history more lightly.

The world is a feast for my soul. And this is food for thought.

Dinner is served.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Contrario...

I read a quote today... and can think about nothing else now...

"A Ship in harbor is safe. But that is not what ships are built for."

Thinking about myself "A Contrario" - I hope to one day be the kind of man people look to as an example. The kind of man a family can be proud of.

This process of REDEMPTION, up to this point, has largely been about going within.

And I'm much more comfortable living in these dark corners. At least for right now.

When I began writing this blog, I began in hopes of being able to offer something more for the people who listen to my music. "I Write to Right"... a hopeful sentiment - one hoping to reach at at least one person in one place, somewhere. If I have, great. If not, I guess I'm still hopeful at this point.

Perspective, from a contrary position.

Thank you all for vibing with me.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Burning the Late Night Oil...

I've began on a task... one without precedent... This ROAD TO REDEMPTION started with one step... and has brought me here...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ad Astra Per Aspera...

Eye emerge.

"The darkness around us was deep."

A subtle, middle of the afternoon type of melancholy settled over me.

The saddest happy-ending you've ever seen.

Thoughts return to a city-scape... where tears mount like Babylonian bricks...

And every builder is trying to make a name for himself.

Hollow glory of man.

And I desperately find myself trying to distinguish the "meaningful" from the Babel.

But it's beautifully scenic from atop here...

And though my "search" for meaning often ends with my computer responding, "We are sorry but 'being' is a very common word and was not included in your search," I remain optimistic.

“In our lives there is bound to come some pain, surely as there are storms and falling rain; just believe that the one who holds the storms will bring the sun.”

Composing this is absolute agony.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Hello World,

I feel like writing...I will write. Really, when it comes to it, there's nothing to it. You sit down with your journal, or at your computer or type writer, and open a vein. OPEN A VAIN. At least for me that's how it works. Despite being in the public's eye since I was 11, I believe there isn't a person on this planet that can lay claim to knowing me. Truly knowing me. I have a protective coat... a shield that has helped me keep myself together over the years. There are things I've never shared with anyone. And while my music is most often characterized as personal, I believe I have developed a writing style that allows me to go just deep enough, without ever exposing "too much."

For instance, I have nightmares. I guess medically they are called Night Terrors. I've had them since my 12th birthday. I remember the first one like it happened yesterday. For those of you who know what this type of episode entails, I think you will agree with me when I say this is probably one of the least enjoyable experiences known to man. As a result, I have literally trained my mind and body to run on 3 or so hours of sleep. With this amount of sleep, I don't reach the cycle where dreams occur, and by default, can in most cases, avoid the night terrors altogether.

Here is another interesting fact about me... I was born dead. For the first 16.6 seconds of my life, I had no heartbeat. I believe this has played an integral part in shaping who I am... and also what I am. I have never feared death, and those that know me on any intimate level know that in most cases I run towards it. I feel I may die early, you know, before my time, but that is neither here nor there. They say the good die young.. which leaves me wondering asking myself why the fuck am I here? As someone who has experienced death first hand, I can say with complete confidence that death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. I hope that when I die, the people who love me and care about me celebrate both my life and my death. To only celebrate my birth would be to write off my entire existence. To write off all of what made my life worth remembering.

The only friend I think I've ever truly had is Welly4. None of you will know who this is, but I think if friendship ever existed between two people, in its truest form, it would have been here. I do not believe we are friends anymore, and I've accepted this as part of life's cycle. It pains me most days. But we keep going.

I read at least three books a week. All kinds of books, but mostly financial analysis. I read newspapers, articles, data reports, financial statements, etc. I also read poetry, and plays. I've read most of the classics, many in their original languages.

I don't care for boxes, limitations, or ceilings. And I find most conversations boring. I think people are fickle, and have very little conviction. I used to have a girl I respected. She had a brilliant mind, but traded it in to be popular. Maybe my judgment is too harsh. But it is my honest opinion. She used to supply me with books upon books. Things to grow the soul. I hope she's happy now.

And when it comes to fear... fear is something I believe we've learned here. I don't remember fearing anything growing up. Never the dark. Or the boogie man. Or pain. Those of you who know me will recall I used to swallow things just to see what would happen. I would break my bones, and try to perform my own medical examinations. This often led to further damage, but in my mind, I had a better understanding, which made it worth it. Loneliness used to be about the scariest thing out there for me. And then I died and went to hell. Hell is very lonely. I felt safe because I knew I had G.d with me. I knew that what I was going thru was serving a higher purpose. I remembered what I learned reading Isaiah 6:8, and my Nana telling me to be prepared. It was painful at times, but it taught me that even loneliness has its limitations. It taught me that courage is not the absence of fear; but the acknowledgement that fear exist - that you and me or they are we are scared. And I was at times. But I emerged. And I'm stronger because of it.

These are a few things about me that I guarantee you didn't know before today. I hope these thoughts find you well. Today was an expressive day. And if time is any indication, this may not happen again for another 26 years. I leave you with this quote. I've had it since I was about 9 or so.

“To be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and don't worry about the darkness, for that is when the stars shine brightest”


Isiah 6:8: Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

I Helped Them See They Way Thru It... Not you...

Oscar Wilde said, "Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”

Be a verb.


I'm all I have to give. As are you. This music is what we have in common. Commonality.

I will not wish thee riches nor the glow of greatness, but that wherever you go, some weary heart shall gladden at your smile, or shadowed life know sunshine for awhile. And so your path shall be a track of light, like angels' footsteps passing through. - Source Unknown.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Only Love...

There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sincerely Me...

Hello World,

Headed to the studio today... HAPPY EASTER to all...

My only hope with this music is that I can return some of the love yall have given me over the last two years. Yall been faithful, devout supporters... and I want you to know that without yall there is no me. I WRITE to RIGHT. So that only LOVE is LEFT.

But love me for the man that I am. As opposed to hating me for the man I am not.

And understand, I'd rather be a whole person than a good person.

If I've ever offended you or caused you harm in some way, please find it in your heart to forgive me. Sometimes I let my hunger get in the way of my better judgement. Survival can be cruel and unreleting like that.

Music is all I have. I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking. Loving, not just living.

Hope floats. And I'm skyhigh baby!



Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dum Spiro, Spero.

The pain passes, but the beauty remains. I once read that revenge is a confession of pain. Revenge is not what I seek. So maybe this is not pain I feel at all. I cannot fully articulate what it is.

And I realize that those people who didn't understand my silence... before when my survival depended upon it... will probably not understand my words now.

So as Brother Esau so often says, I will own this feeling. It is mine, and mine only.

You may continue to call it pain. I will call it a sign.

For my part I believe in the forgiveness of sin and the redemption of ignorance. And if redemption lies in remembering, am I comitting a sin by trying to, on some level, forget some of the details of the hell I survived?

Image junkies.

Heart pollution.

Ultimately, having an experience becomes identical with taking a photograph of it. This is why I think the majority of my friends are photographers. I have a certain love right now. A gorgeous flower. And I'm realizing I can either let it grow, or run the risk of killing it with too much love.

It's dark in this room... and quiet.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

"Over" Remix featuring Anthony J. Shears

These photographs are from the short film we did entitled, "The Impasse" - Shout out to Shear Genius Productions, DBHE, Amanda England, Herman Esau, Dave Burns, Derya San, and the entire crew! We did it man!!

Anthony J. Shears - Over (Remix) from DERYA SAN on Vimeo.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Food for Thought...

“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.”

- Isaac Newton quotes (English Mathematician and Physicist, "father of the modern science", 1642-1727)

I feel awesomely small today.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Seattle Show - Studio 7 April 22nd

Hello World,

It's been a minute... I know, I'm sorry. I have some good news though. I have my first Seattle show in two years April 22nd. Eye-opening. You can pick the tickets up here:


Come show your love if you're going to be in the area. I'll be performing with DJ Jody-J, and April 12th. Might even sneak peak "The Impasse" film we been working in (which is in its final stages of editing). Big shout out to... the Future!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sample Lyrics from "What's Next"

My ex girl tell everybody that I’m a bastard
She, still Jimmy Jam to my Terry, Got these Tracks Mastered
I seek TIME-less-ness in all my sessions
Don’t got enough fingers on me for me to count my blessings
But got one finger on me for me to deal with stresses
Say fuck it all, don’t worry bout it, and stay the freshest!
What's next, let me paint a picture
This light-skinned nigga savin' the world thru scribblin' scriptures
Draw on my life experience
So you can save your stricture
And with every word uttered, my buzz is getting bigger!

KEXP 90.3 FM - Live Performance: Anthony Shears on 11/10/07

KEXP 90.3 FM - Live Performance: Anthony Shears on 11/10/07

A Trip Down Memory Lane - Shout out to DJ Butta Ben!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Road to Redemption Pt. 2

This ROAD TO REDEMPTION is full of valleys and peaks... today has been more valley than peak. My man just hit me with like 40 beats (shout out to the Turk behind the lens!)... my other man just informed me we got like 12 hours in the studio this weekend... damn. Word to something "other."

I was in Rendezvous today and read something crazy about "inevitable change" - and thought, "fuck income, I'm trying to be ready for when the end come."

Road to Redemption - "The Impasse" Photos

Production by DBHE, Photography by Derya San

Road to Redemption Pt. 1

So it's been a crazy process...Getting here. Here is somewhere between relapsing and REDEMPTION. I find myself surrounded by some of the "MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE" in the business... I feel a little reluctant though... but I'm aware of what's needed... So I'm here. HE-Art in hand. We just finished filming "The Impasse" this last week with DBHE and Shear Genius Productions. Derya San, Amanda England, David Burns, Herman Esau, etc... Great team of people. Spent the latter part of the week with Leila Steinberg (who needs no introduction), and Skim (an amazing artist working out of LA right now). Two amazing people who are nurturing key parts of my soul... I figure if I can master my heart, maybe I can be somebody. Shout out to Chris Cuben!

Photo by Derya San.

I emerge.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Die No More

I always knew it be this. I never doubted it for a minute. But in the business of life, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.

I was drowning. And didn't realize I was naked until the tide went out. I've had a friend or two. But it's mostly been me. And I'm terrible at relationships. If time is the enemy of the mediocre; why do my days feel so painfully long?

More than ever before, I understand, the walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy. And increasingly, it becomes easier to cry when you realize that everyone you love will reject you or die.

I hold no anger though. Just yesterday I read that "anger is a poison we take ourselves in hopes of hurting the other person."

Die no more.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

I Woke Up Early This Morning...

And realized there's nothing like the future... I feel blessed. I've got a dedicated team excited to make it happen. I was introduced to DubStep last night... and it blew my mind. It's a totally new way of experiencing music for me.

So this rap music ends up being a new kind of poetry for me. I gave up on new poetry myself maybe 5 years ago, when most of it began to read like coded messages passing between lonely aliens on a hostile world.

With everything behind me, I feel more at home now.

Any poet, if he is to survive beyond his 25th year, must alter; he must seek new literary influences; he will have different emotions to express.

That is the point at which I am at now.

To those of past, thank you for the perspective. To those of the present, thank you for your continued support. To those of the future, well it'll sure be nice to meet you. And when I finally do, pour me a glass and lets toast - to life, and love.

2010 shall be a year of Redemption.

“Let Israel hope in the LORD: for with the LORD there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption (Psalms 130:7).”

And everything that happens leads to salvation, ... Even if there is destruction, in the end, redemption will come.
