Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sincerely Me...

Hello World,

Headed to the studio today... HAPPY EASTER to all...

My only hope with this music is that I can return some of the love yall have given me over the last two years. Yall been faithful, devout supporters... and I want you to know that without yall there is no me. I WRITE to RIGHT. So that only LOVE is LEFT.

But love me for the man that I am. As opposed to hating me for the man I am not.

And understand, I'd rather be a whole person than a good person.

If I've ever offended you or caused you harm in some way, please find it in your heart to forgive me. Sometimes I let my hunger get in the way of my better judgement. Survival can be cruel and unreleting like that.

Music is all I have. I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording, not thinking. Loving, not just living.

Hope floats. And I'm skyhigh baby!
