Friday, March 8, 2013


This moment is a moment for the underdogs...

Life is a bed of roses where some only get the thorns. But this moment is for the underdogs.

For the person that's failed... The deadbeats. The sometimes defeated. The disadvantaged. The down-and-out. The duds. The failures. The flops. The flunkees. The underprivileged. The under-achievers. The cretins. The obnoxious. The stupid. The idiots. The imbeciles. The morons. The dregs. The outcasts. The riffraffs. The scum. The trash. The poor. And the dirty.

This moment is for all of us. On March 30th, 2013 myself and the rest of #SMG will be performing at Interscope Record's Urban King Hip Hop Showcase in Los Angeles.

We've worked so hard for this moment. Thousands of hours writing songs, recording, and rehearsing. Staying true to who we are. Never compromising on what we believe in. And more than anything, I hope what you all take away from this moment is that your dreams can come true. Hard work makes it all possible. And that's all I know is hard work. And part of that work has been to always be there for my fans - my family in the same way you guys have been there for me.

So when you ask yourselves 'Where was he when my tears were falling?', 'Where was he when I needed a friend?', 'Where was he when my heart was calling?' - I can say "Right here!" Whether or not something comes of this showcase isn't important to me. Your emails, messages, artwork, well-wishes, and pictures have all worked to bring me back from the worst kind of hell to a place where I can say I made a positive difference.

What began in my bedroom at age 8 as a way of easing the pain has turned into something so much more... More potent. Something so much more special. Special because I get to share it with you all. So thank you for putting me on these stages. On your radios. On your playlists. And in your lives. I'm doing this for all of us. Underdogs.