Friday, May 2, 2008

Seeing With Closed Eyes...

Seeing With Closed Eyes...
the inside of my heart is bleeding and on fire... Love wills that these Words be brought forth... and so i write. behind the veils we both cry... and i know that even if you refused to admit it, when we ended, a large part of you died. i have died to myself and i live through you... only you want me to go to hell.... and i say being born and living there is why a chance we never faired....

should by chance you read this, know that my only real mistake was caring too much and not knowing how to express it.

i've been trapped in this invisible prison for a year now. i guess to a large extent so have you. they say they want the best - for you, they want what's best for them. because you're true independence has nothing to do with their happiness. i'm already wounded and slain. do what you must.

at days end, i miss my pen. i yearn for inspiration so i can unwrap this albatross from around my neck.

strange fruit.

blood on the tree. blood on the root. grown in shit. but from it comes one of life's great wonders. i see you sitting in an orchid field of hope and imagination.

please. hurry and listen to me. my pen's running out of ink...