Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thank you for your thoughts...

Hello World,

Please enjoy this piece of writing. I just stumbled across it. I hope it touches you the way it has touched me.

Thank you KH. Our lack of communication pains me. But I know everything is... JUST FOR A TIME. Thank you for everything.

Dear Beautiful Self,

A woman in her life has only one goal she needs to accomplish before her time is up-- to prothect her truth from being broken (not even once). My experience has shown me that people wait around every corner to break us down, whether it be through hate, lies, violence, or invalidation. They want nothing more than to see us break down and fall under their misconceptions, false expectations, and maniacally oppressive stereotypes. The oppressor jeopardizes our beauty by creating and demanding an unrealistic reality. But he will never jeopardize our dignity-- we will be called bitches and hoes and still stand tall with our faces tilted towards the sky. There is a place in us that he can't touch, a wisdom, a beauty... our TRUTH.A woman needs to love and forgive at the same moment, to nurture and defend with the same hands, love unconditionally and conditionally forget, balance sanity and insanity with the same mind, appeal and appease with the same words.The entire spectrum of truth fits into one work of art-- the woman.

Peace Anthony.
By k huds on A Man In His Life... on 11/27/07

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Little Susie...

Don't let them kill the little girl in you.
The one that sings that heavenly tune.
You left home.
You lost your way to find yourself.
And it helped.

For Better or for worse...

Last night, I let my tears fall where the sacristy once stood...


Thru a ruined gate.

A mysterious energy.

Finding happiness in loneliness.

A raven's feather.

Urging me in the direction of the SON.


My mind's horizon tinged with red...

Living out some part of an inner dream everyday.

I searched for years and never found G.d in a church of any sort.

"It's the possibility of having a dream come true That makes life worth living."

And even if it doesn't... I perceived you. For a time.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dinner is Served...

Why is it so important to dream?

“Because SUN... you’re future’s much brighter than your past!”

Tonight’s for thinking. A single lamp. A glass table. A pen. A pad. And the faint sound of the rain hitting the window. Things are so poetic though. I have a burning sensation to say things that might alienate me from my peers. There is a tyrant living inside me. We are aware of each other’s existence now. We’ve worked out some of our differences and respect each other more now. But there are times when I hear him yelling, “Fuck everybody,” and agree completely.

“There are birds who prefer not to fly” I hear her saying...

And so I stand. Skipping stones on a lake of my mother’s tears... feeling bad for being born.

Trying to figure out how to relate to the world over these beats...

And sometimes friends can be a sign of wreckage. So I bid mine farewell and hope to fair well.

I have made a great discovery. What I love belongs to me. I have to carry the burden of this history more lightly.

The world is a feast for my soul. And this is food for thought.

Dinner is served.