Sunday, January 29, 2012

Last stop, Brookland

I thought the reason it hurt so much to separate is because our souls were connected... But fate would have it that even the dearest of friends eventually part. And honestly, until this moment, I did not fully understand how painful it is to lose something you never truly had. Which begs the question, "If I left here tomorrow, would you still remember me?" I wonder if you would.

Nevertheless, I take comfort in the fact that you gaze up at the same stars I see in the same sky I am under. I ask that you remember me and smile; but afterwards soon forget. For I'd rather have you forget me completely than remember me and cry.

This story ends in Paris. It is 1919. I walk into the cafe bearing flowers. Happiness is an angel at the bar with a serious face and pain in her smile.

Tonight, I walked across a bridge. But there was no bridge there. I carried a bag full of love. But no one to share it with. And then... I thought of you.

Last stop, Brookland.